毎年紅葉の美しい季節に開催される 「博多織求評会」は、 職元や作家が製作した作品や製品の新作発表会で、 今年令和4年で120回の歴史を誇る博多織工業組合の最大の行事です。全国の織物集散地の方や、各界で活躍中の文化人の方々を中心とした審査員による厳正なる審査のもと、選ばれた作品には様々な賞が贈られます。
“Hakataori Kyuhyoukai” is an annual exhibition to introduce new works created by textile manufacturers. It is held in the beautiful season of autumn leaves and is the biggest event of Hakataori Industrial Association. After a rigorous examination, an award would be given to the selected works created by manufacturers.
We are going to post our tour video on our official channel “Hakataori Industrial Association” on YouTube. Those who won’t be able to visit our exhibition can also sit down and watch new works via our video.
As a measure against infectious diseases, we would like you to bring the form, which you can download and fill out in advance.
Small gifts will be presented to the guests wearing kimono.
1235年(鎌倉時代)、 33歳の満田弥三右衛門は、 弁円和尚と共に中国 (南宋) 明州へ向け博多の津を出港。
宋に6年間滞在し、織物、朱、 箔、素麺、じゃこう丸の5つの製法を修得し、 1241年、 弁円和尚と共に博多に戻ります。 弥三右衛門は、これらの製法を博多の人々に伝えましたが、 その中の織の技法だけは家伝とし、 広東織と称して独特の技術を加えながら代々伝えていきました。
さらにその250年後、弥三右衛門の子孫、 彦三郎が再び明へ渡り、織物の技法を研究。帰国後は、竹若伊右衛門と工法の改良を重ね、琥珀織のように生地が厚く、浮線紋や柳条などの模様の浮きでた織物を作り出しました。 その織物は、 博多の地名をとって、 「覇家台織」 (はかたおり)と名づけられたと伝えられています。
The 33-year-old Mitsuta Yazaemon departed from a port in Hakata to head to Mingzhou in the Southern Song (China) together with Benen Osho in 1235.
He stayed in Song for six years. While there, he learned the five techniques of textiles, scarlet, foil, fine white noodles and musk pills. He then returned to Hakata together with Benen Osho in 1241.
Mitsuta Yazaemon passed these techniques on to the people of Hakata. However, only the technique of weaving among these was handed down through the generations while unique technologies were added under the name of Kantonori as a family tradition.
In addition, 250 years later, Hikosaburo - the descendent of Mitsuta Yazaemon - once again went to Ming (China) and studied the technique of weaving. After returning back to Hakata, he repeatedly improved this method of work with Takewaka lemon. They made the fabric thicker like that of amber weave and produced textiles with floating patterns (e.g. floating crests and willow twigs). It is said that these textiles took the name of the area of Hakata and were called Hakataori.
四季を通じて気軽に締められる“なごや帯”や、袋のように帯幅に織り上げた礼装、盛装に用いる “袋帯”など、その独自の技法により、張りがあって締めやすいと言われています。
Traditional techniques: Weaving chicness into Hakata - It is said that these unique techniques give tautness and ease of tightening to Nagoya-style obi (kimono sashes) that can be easily tightened through the four seasons and double-woven obi that are used in formal and ceremonial dress woven up to the obi like a bag.
Hakataori manufacturers have been utilizing the features of Hakataori and developing various products such as kimono and obi. In addition to that, there are goods for gifts or interiors. It is said that they create more than 600 products.